Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wax Worm/P. larvae LD50

From 3-3-15.

Below is the survival curve of the wax worms fed different spore concentrations that were mixed with the wax pellets:
As discussed earlier, the wax worms exposed to the P. larvae spores mixed with the wax pellets didn't seem to result in disease after seven days. However, the 1:5 dilution of B. thur spores did. The rest of the data is stored in an Excel file.

It is Day 4 for the wax worms that were fed the spores in BAD that were not mixed with wax pellets. Already there are surprising differences between the previous experiment with the wax pellets and the one now without.
Wax Worms in the the B. thru 1:25 treatment group, notice the darker color running along the center of the wax worm.

Dead wax worm from the P. larvae 1:5 treatment group. Notice dried up. Perhaps this wax worm died earlier in the last 24 hours and may have had more time to dry?
Another dead wax worm from the P. larvae 1:5 treatment group. Not as dry as the one before, almost sticky looking and wet. Perhaps this is a more recent dead worm within the last 24 hours?

Wax worm from the P. larvae 1:5 treatment group. Has similar wounds and signs of disease that were seen in B. thur wax worms from the previous experiment from 3-3-15


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