Friday, June 27, 2014

P. larvae Project Pilot

Retrieved 24 first instar honey bee larva from USDA hive. Transferred each larva to 10 uL of BAD in a well of a 24 well plate (see below). Transferred using camel hair paint brush.

The well plate was put inside an AnaeroPack container (Link and image below). The larger side container was filled with 15.5% glycerol in water to keep up humidity.

Anaerobic container was placed into an Innova 4400 shaker incubator set at 35C with no shaking (Link). I will monitor survival of the larva to see if they can survive in my environment. If they can survive until pupation, then I will introduce P. larvae to the next batch of honey bee larva I receive.

Isolated another stock of P. larvae spores that had been incubating at 37C 5%CO2 on MYPGP for 10 days (Colony concentration was similar to the image seen on this Link on the top left). Followed the same modified procedure as 6-24-14 (Link). There was significantly less of a viable pellet this time as opposed to 6-24-14. Maybe there are less spores present after 10 days compared to the previous seven days of incubation. Or maybe I did not successfully remove all the cell debris and vegetative cells the previous day. Regardless, I created a 10 fold serial dilution of the spore stock created today ("Stock C") and the two spore stocks created on 6-24-14 ("Stocks A and B"). Diluted down to 10-7 in sterile ddH2O. Plated 100 uL of each dilution onto MYPGP agar and incubated at 37C 5%CO2. Will perform colony counts to determine the concentration of my spore stocks.

Made 1 Liter of MYPGP for colony counts (Recipe). Note: did not add the 10% Glucose as per the recipe due to its temporary unavailability. Stored around 20 plates in the 4C walk in fridge.


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