Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Waxworm & the P. larvae

From 11-11-14.

Made up another batch of wax worm food from the gerber baby food. Transferred young larva from the colony to five small containers. There was about 12 wax worms and about 10 grams of food in each container. Wax paper was hung from the cap of each container down to the food as done before.

The wax worms were not in the best of health due to overcrowding in their previous containers. Any wax worms that didn't get transferred were frozen in the -20C freezer overnight and disposed of the next day.

The five wax worm containers were placed within another container and incubated in the walk in 30C incubator. I will continue to monitor their growth, but in the future the colony will remain a smaller size due to a lack of a need for them at this current time.


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