Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Chlorine Dioxide Pilot Study

From 1-31-15.

Counted colonies that had formed on my MYPGP agar plates from the recent chlorine dioxide exposure study. Colony counts are listed below:

Dilutions & CFU Counts
Spore Stock ClO2 Reagents 10^-0 10^-0 10^-0 1:2 1:2 1:2
H None 164 152 188 80 68 62
155 148 194 66 76 84
190 168 156 78 72 84
136 178 168 88 62 58
168 166 162 74 58 66
Avg: 162.6 162.4 173.6 77.2 67.2 70.8
Std: 19.67 12.28 16.58 8.07 7.29 12.38
Avg of all: 166.20 71.73
Std of all: 16.17 9.79
H 10mg 29 34 41 14 12 9
27 29 38 14 13 16
23 26 45 17 9 12
34 25 37 13 15 15
28 32 44 15 12 12
Avg: 28.2 29.2 41 14.6 12.2 12.8
Std: 3.96 3.83 3.54 1.52 2.17 2.77
Avg of all: 32.80 13.20
Std of all: 6.96 2.31
H 100 mg No colonies formed No colonies formed

Dilutions & CFU Counts
Spore Stock ClO2 Reagents 10^-0 10^-0 10^-0 1:2 1:2 1:2
I None 400 333 386 188 234 244
414 376 376 222 200 220
398 440 364 228 192 190
380 434 358 244 182 188
422 422 388 222 208 188
Avg: 402.80 401.00 374.40 220.80 203.20 206.00
Std: 16.16 45.55 13.22 20.43 19.73 25.22
Avg of all: 392.73 210.00
Std of all: 29.97 21.82
I 10 mg 16 12 10 7 8 7
12 16 17 4 8 5
11 15 13 5 9 10
19 20 13 7 6 11
20 21 16 8 6 9
Avg: 15.60 16.80 13.80 6.20 7.40 8.40
Std: 4.04 3.70 2.77 1.64 1.34 2.41
Avg of all: 15.40 7.33
Std of all: 3.52 1.95
I 100 mg No colonies formed No colonies formed

Calculating CFU:
Spore Stock H = 84,000 CFU/mL (8.4x10^4)
Spore Stock I = 32,000 CFU/mL (3.2x10^4)
---------------------------> pelleted & re-suspended in 500 uL ddH2O
Spore Stock H = 1.68x10^5 CFU/mL
Spore Stock I = 6.4x10^4 CFU/mL
---------------------------> 50 uL of spore stocks added to glass cover slip
Cover slips exposed to ClO2 gas
---------------------------> re-suspend cover slip spores in 1000 uL of ddH2O
---------------------------> 10 uL volumes plated onto MYPGP agar

Equation used to calculate concentration of Spore Stocks:

[AVG # colonies counted / volume pipetted onto plate in uL] * [ 1 / serial dilution made (ie 10^-2)] * [1000 uL / 1 mL] = CFU/mL

For Spore Stock H:
           32.8/166.2 CFU x 100% = 19.7% survival of spores
                        Meaning that the 10 mg concentration of ClO2 reagent was ~80% effective at killing   the spores

For Spore Stock I
         15.4/392.73 CFU x 100% = 3.92% survival of spores
                     Meaning that the 10 mg concentration of ClO2 reagent was ~96% effective at killing the spores

Unfortunately, my original spores stocks were at a relatively low concentration to begin with (around 10^4 CFU), and this limited what we could see at the 100 mg concentration since we could only see about a 3 log killing rate and nothing more. Realistically, the spore stocks should be around 10^8 or 10^9, so I will have to work on improving my ability to recover and purify P. larvae spores.


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