Monday, September 1, 2014

Chlorine Dioxide Pilot Study

This is the beginning of a pilot study that will be performed in conjunction with David S. at the USDA. We wish to determine the effect of chlorine dioxide gas on P. larvae growth and development. For this pilot study, I will determine at which concentration (parts per million) of chlorine gas would be most appropriate to use.

Pilot Briefly: P. larvae total cells and spores will be attached to a stainless steel coupon and treated with various concentration of chlorine dioxide gas. After treatment, the coupons will be vigorously vortexed to dislodge present bacteria and plated to determine CFU.


Stock P. larvae ATCC # 9545 was isolation streaked from -20C onto two MYPGP agar plates and incubated at 37C 5%CO2.

A 10 uL loop full of Bacillus thuringiensis endospore powder was isolation streaked onto LB only agar and incubated at 30C in the walk-in incubator. This culture was retrieved from Ward's Science +. The remaining endospores were stored on my shelf in a basket. A picture of the container is seen below:


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