Sunday, May 25, 2014

Transferring pBE110 to S17-1

Confirmed that S17-1 is indeed resistant to trimethoprim antibiotic at 200 ug/mL concentration. Previously brothed isolated colony of S17-1 in LBTm200 broth. Incubated at 37C 225 rpm overnight and had growth the next morning. DH5a control checked out as well.

Last attempt to transfer pBE110 to S17-1 was unsuccessful (May 23, 2014). However, the pUC19 control was successful and colonies were found on that plate. Meaning that there maybe is an issue with the pBE110 DNA that I am using. It is likely not pure or at a high enough concentration. I will purify my sample and attempt transformation again in the future.

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