Saturday, June 21, 2014

P. larvae Project Pilot

Diluted P. larvae 1:10 and 1:100 in sterile ddH2O. Plated 100 uL of each dilution onto MYPGP agar. Incubate 37C 5% CO2.

Laura N. had a few extra motility agar plates left over from her Steno motility assay. Inoculated a single isolated colony of P. larvae into the center of motility agar. Incubated at 35C, 37C, and 25C.

Having a issue with mold/fungal growth in the pupating larva stage of the in vitro bee rearing project (see below). Larva is beginning to succumb to fungal growth and dying off in significant quantities. Filter papers used for humidity/moisture content was likely too saturated. Will remedy in future. Attempted to isolate fungal growth- incubated at 35C on Nutrient Agar.

(Contaminated Honey Bee larva)


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