Monday, August 25, 2014

P. larvae Anaerobic Growth

Goal: Will growth P. larvae on MYPGP agar at 37C for  7 days under two different conditions - anaerobic vs aerobic. A BBL GasPak Anaerobic system (the container) was utilized for the anaerobic treatment. A picture of the anaerobic system is seen below:

Vaseline was applied to cover rim of the container in order to ensure a tight seal when closed. 
 100 uL of Spore Stock B was plated onto four MYPGP agar plates. Two of the plates were placed in the anaerobic chamber, and two were not. A anaerobic gas pack was placed inside the anaerobic chamber (after adding 10 mL of ddH2O to the catalyst) along with two anaerobic indicator strips. The strips turn blue/green in the presence of oxygen, but will turn white in its absence. A picture of the completed complex is seen below:

Anaerobic chamber and two other P. larvae plates were placed in the 37C 5%CO2 incubator.


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