Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Waxworm & the P. larvae

From 8-17-14.

There are still a few wax moths that were incubated at 30C that are still alive and moving around. I am unable to see any eggs on the wax paper, so did not transfer any eggs to Diet 3. This is surprising that the wax moths at 30C are surviving so much longer than those at 35C, but did not lay any eggs yet.

Checked the single wax worm that was placed the petri plate. It has definitely increased in size to over half an inch. It appears to have eaten the present BAD (or it dried up) and begun to secrete the webby substances (seen in picture below). An additional 500 uL of BAD was put into the petri plate (seen in picture below). The progress of this wax worm will continue to be monitored.

Dr. Fisher retrieved another retrieved another container of wax worms from a pet store, this time from Timberline viat-bugs (Link). There were 50 wax worms in the container and 17 were removed as they were dead. The remaining wax worms were placed into two 500 mL containers evenly and incubated at 35C. Picture of the two containers is seen below:


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