Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Waxworm & the P. larvae

From 8-16-14.

No other wax worms have hatched from the BAD plate, nor are any seen in the rearing containers with Diet 3 at this point. The single wax worm that recently hatched from the 10 uL BAD treatment group appears to be doing well and is very lively. It periodically walks through the thin lawn of 1 mL BAD that was placed in its petri dish. It also appears to be larger than yesterday.

Attempted to autoclave one of the 500 mL containers that had been using as a wax moth mating chamber today as well. About 100 mL of H2O was placed into the container and the opening of the container was covered with aluminum foil. Autoclaved at 121C for 20 minutes (liquid cycle on old autoclave in media kitchen). Here is what it looked like after (on the left) compared to an un-autoclaved container (on the right):


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