Friday, August 8, 2014

Probiotic & Antioxidant LC50

From 8-7-14.

Was all prepared to begin experiment, however there was significantly less larva recovered from the Jenter box at the USDA hives than initially anticipated. Just three days ago nearly the entire box was full of eggs, however today there was barely a dozen larva visible in the box. How odd. I am 100% positive that the Jenter box was full of eggs when I freed the queen three days ago. What few 1st instar was present, I transferred to a 24 well plate and fed 5 uL of Treatment F.

Larva were incubated at 35C in anaerobic chamber.

Special Note: I have been stung twice today by honey bees. Once through my glove on my right middle finger. And the other was INSIDE my right nostril. I was alone tending to the bee hives today. As I was driving back to the USDA there were a number of bees still in my vehicle. I removed my bee keeping veil for fear of being pulled over. Typically having the windows down would deter any bees from taking flight and attacking, however as I slowed down while passing road construction they took flight and attacked. The pain was unimaginable. Took antihistamine and applied hydrocortisone cream about two hours later.  Symptoms include severe head ache, nostril pain on right side, jaw pain on right side, and an overall feeling of unwell. 


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