Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Waxworm & the P. larvae

From 8-15-14.

Found one other wax worm that hatched from the BAD plate. This one was from the 10 uL BAD treatment group. The wax worm was carefully removed from the 24 well plate and transferred to a petri dish using a sterile inoculation needle. The wax worm seemed reluctant to let go of the needle go onto the polystyrene petri plate. Perhaps the polystyrene is playing a role in the reduced survival rate on the 24 well plate? A volume of 1000 uL of BAD was added to the side of the petri plate and spread out in a thin lawn covering 1/3 of the entire surface. I was certain to cover the edges of the petri dish as the wax worms (and bee larva for that matter) appear to be drawn to those locations. Perhaps this has to do this the increased surface area making them feel more secure, or that during their wandering they simply ran into the edge and don't know where else to go. A picture of the lone wax worm is shown below, it is larger (longer) than the one previously mentioned that is now dead. This one is about 1 cm in length.

Wax worm in petri dish
The petri plate was sealed with parafilm and incubated in an anaerobic chamber at 35C in the Fisher Lab. I will continue to monitor its progress.

No change in the rearing chambers containing Diet 3.


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