Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Chlorine Dioxide Pilot Study

From 2-24-15.

I was able to count the Bacillus thuringiensis colonies that grew on the dilution plates overnight. The actual spore counts are stored on an Excel file. I did not add it to this post since there was formatting issues and it was very difficult to read.

Equation used to calculate concentration of Spore Stocks:

[AVG # colonies counted / volume pipetted onto plate in uL] * [ 1 / serial dilution made (ie 10^-2)] * [1000 uL / 1 mL] = CFU/mL


Concentration of ClO2
25 mg
50 mg
100 mg

A one to two log reduction in spores was observed using the three low concentrations of ClO2 gas reagents. The set up used in this experiment (50 mL conical tube) was not ideal for ensuring that the two reagents are mixed thoroughly, but the main purpose of this pilot study was to better familiarize myself with the spore handling and quantification methods- which I now feel comfortable enough with to begin using the modified anaerobic chambers and different surfaces other than glass cover slips... Just as soon as I increase my P. larvae spore yields.


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