Saturday, February 21, 2015

P. larvae Biofilms

From 11-2-14.

Goal: Determine if P. larvae is capable of forming biofilms. We will begin by investigating whether or not it can form substantial biofilms on a 96 well polystyrene plate.

I will be inoculating P. larvae ATCC 9545 and E. coli B/r in a 10-fold serial dilution of a 96 well plate in BHI broth. Overnight broth cultures of the two bacteria will be used. Below are two images of the P. larvae plates for a visual reference of what it should look like on MYPGP agar.

P. larvae 9545 on MYPGP agar grown at 37C for 3 days

P. larvae 9545 on MYPGP agar grown at 37C for 3 days
Isolated colonies of P. larvae and E. coli were inoculated into 10 mL of appropriate liquid media.
P. larvae - BHI + Poly60
E. coli B/r - LB only

Plate set up, Rows A-D are P. larvae, Rows E - H are E. coli
A 10-fold serial dilution was made in quadruplicate of each culture on the 96 well plate down to 10^-7. The plate was covered and incubated at 37C. A crude crystal violet assay will be employed to gauge biofilm formation.


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