Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Listeria & Cockroaches

I injected 20 juvenile Dubia cockroaches with 10 uL of a GFP-tagged Listeria broth culture for Dr. Fisher.

I received a broth culture of a Listeria spp. from the Teresa Bergholz lab with the label 881 TB 351 on it. I was told this was a GFP-tagged Listeria strain. I pelleted 2 mL of the broth culture and re-suspended it in 2 mL of PBS.

A 100 uL syringe and needle was used to inject 10 uL of the re-suspended Listeria culture into the bottom side of 20 dubia roaches. Injects were at the second or third tegumen from the anus of the roach. Injects were as shallow (close to the surface) as they could be.

Two containers with 10 injected roaches each were place in the 37C incubator. A BHI plate with 10 ug/mL ERT was also streaked with the Listeria and incubated at 37C as well.


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