Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chlorine Dioxide - Wax Worm Lethality

From 3-16-15.

Checked on the wax worm health today (~18 hours after ClO2 exposure). Interestingly, the 10 wax worms that were exposed to the chlorine dioxide gas are now all dead and all the ones that were not exposed are still alive and well.

These results confirm my hypothesis, that the cholrine dioxide gas would kill the wax worms. The reasons I am using the gas was to gauge its efficacy at killing P. larvae spores, and possibly use it as a method to treat an American Foulbrood diseased honey bee hive. These results also don't bode well for the likelihood of the gas not killing the honey bee larvae.

All the wax worms were frozen at -20C overnight to kill them and then disposed of in a bio-hazard container.

I may do a dose titration experiment with varying concentrations of ClO2 gas and the wax worms in the future, depending on the quantity of wax worms I have available.


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