Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tripartite Conjugation in P. larvae

From 1-7-15.
From 3-21-15.

I had previously ordered a couple sets of primers from Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) on February 10th, 2015. These primers will be used to confirm that the TnYLB-1 transposon is indeed now present in P. larvae after tripartite conjugation. After the primers arrived I resuspended the primers using appropriate volumes of sterile ddH2O and stored them at -20C. I have designed thermocycler programs for each primer set based off a basic temp/time template to start with. The only variable that needed to be adjusted is the annealing temperature, which I have calculated to be within 5 degrees of both of the primers melting temperatures.

pMarA plasmid (from Le Brenton et al.)


Primers P11 & P12 were created based on the primers from Xia et al. . These primers will amplify the internal fragment of the TnYLB-1 transposon that is found in the pMarA shuttle plasmid that I am using to transfer the transposon into P. larvae 9545.
P11 (Tm = 56.8C)
P12 (Tm = 56.4C)

Primer oIPCR1 & oIPCR2 were created based on the primers Le Brenton et al..This primer set amplifies outward from the TnYLB-1 transposon.
oIPCR1 (Tm = 45.8C)
oIPCR2 (Tm = 53.0C)

Thermocycler parameters:

Primer sets P11 & P12

Temp Time
Step 1 95.0C 2.00 m
Step 2 95.0C 1.00 m
Step 3 56.6C 1.00 m
Step 4 72.0C 1.00 m
Step 5 GoTo Step 2, repeat x 24
Step 6 72.0C 5.00 m
Step 7 20.0C Forever

Primer sets oIPCR1 & oIPCR2
Temp Time
Step 1 95.0C 2.00 m
Step 2 95.0C 1.00 m
Step 3 49.5C 1.00 m
Step 4 72.0C 1.00 m
Step 5 GoTo Step 2, repeat x 24
Step 6 72.0C 5.00 m
Step 7 20.0C Forever


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