Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wax Worm Maintenance

From 3-31-15.

Made more wax worm diet as previously done using the following ingredients once again:

Ingredients Needed:
16 oz of Gerber baby food (or equivalent), whole wheat or multigrain
50 g wheat bran or crushed bran flakes
120 mL sterile ddH2O
170 mL Glycerin or Glycerol
100 g Table sugar
800 uL Amphotericin B (to protect food from mold)

Caleb D. assisted with making the diet. The created diet was stored in a tupperware container at room temperature until use.

All of the wax worms are currently nearing the pupation stage or about to emerge as wax moths. Their containers have been modified to include wax paper around the edges near the lid to later collect their eggs.


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