Friday, May 15, 2015

ClO2 Study - P. larvae Spores on Glass

From 5-10-15.

Spore stock #10 (1.1x10^6 CFU/mL) was used in a ClO2 exposure experiment for three hours on glass cover slips. A volume of 100 uL was added to sterile glass cover slips as before and they were exposed to ClO2 also as previously done, however, the exposure time was not six hours as before, but only three hours this time.

Three different ClO2 concentrations were used in this three hour exposure experiment: 50 mg, 100 mg, and 200 mg. A control of no ClO2 exposure was also used.

The ppm of chlorine gas in each container was checked using the columns as before by taking a 200 mL volume of air sample out after three hours. Interestingly, the ppm of Cl gas seem to agree with what was observed previously the last time this experiment was ran for only three hours. The ppm were about twice what was seen after six hours. This further indicates that there is likely a parabolic trend with generation of ClO2 gas inside the modified anaerobic chambers.


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