Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sporulation on Blood Agar

From 4-3-15.

I was able to calculate the CFU/mL of the P. larvae spores recovered from the Columbian sheep's blood agar plates and slants. The colonies were grown on MYPGP agar at 37C for three days before they were counted. The spore concentrations aren't as a high as I would have liked (aiming for a 10^8 CFU/mL), but through use of the blood agar the concatenation of spores is about 1 to 2 logs higher. It appears that the bacteria growing on either the slant or the agar didn't seem to make much difference.

Stock # Source CFU/mL CFU/mL
10 Plate 11000000 1.1x10^7
11 Plate 1800000 1.8x10^6
12 Plate 600000 6.0x10^5
13 Slant 800000 8.0x10^5
14 Slant 1600000 1.6x10^6
15 Slant 2100000 2.1x10^6
16 Slant 2800000 2.8x10^6

I plan to use these spore stocks for the upcoming chlorine dioxide experiment.


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