Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sporulation on Blood Agar

From 4-25-15.

It has been ten days that the P. larvae 9545 has been incubating on the blood agar slants at 37C. Today I extracted the spores from the slants as previously performed (washing, heating, and centrifuging). Five slants were consolidated together into one spore stock.

One of the dilution plates from the spore stocks

I was also able to quantify the CFU/mL of the P. larvae spore stocks that were from the blood agar plates. Below is there determined concentration:

Stock #SourceCFU/mLCFU/mL

Other spore stocks here.

How to calculate CFU/mL

(CFU * Dilution Factor * Volume Factor)
(# CFU) * ( 1 / 10^ dilution factor) * ( 1 / volume plated in mL) = CFU / mL


3 * ( 1 / 10^ (-4)) *  ( 1 / 0.01mL) = 3x10^6 CFU /mL


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