Sunday, April 19, 2015

ClO2 Study - P. larvae Spores on Glass

From 4-18-15.

I was able to accurately count the number of colonies that have formed on the MYGPG agar plates from the last ClO2 experiment with the P. larvae spores on glass. All the raw data is stored in an Excel file.

Average values:

ClO2 conc Dilution Avg Std
None 0.01 1.4E+05 4.2E+04
0.001 1.9E+05 9.2E+04
25 mg 0.1 2.8E+04 2.1E+03
0.01 3.2E+04 1.1E+04
50 mg 0.1 6.7E+03 2.2E+03
0.01 2.1E+04 1.2E+04
100 mg 1 7.8E+02 2.2E+01
0.1 4.9E+03 1.3E+03

P. larvae spore stock #15 was used in this experiment with a determined CFU/mL of 2.1x10^6. Meaning, after the spores were added to the glass cover slip, there should have been a CFU/mL of 2.1x10^5 after the cover slip was re-suspended in the 1 mL of sterile ddH2O. The CFU/mL that was recovered in the "no exposure" group was between 1.4x10^5 to 1.9x10^5, meaning there was between a 66.7% to 90.5%. 

Humidity inside modified anaerobic chamber

In order to determine what the humidity and temperature is like inside the modified anaerobic chamber during the ClO2 expose I set up the chambers just like I would during the actual experiment (minus the spores) and put a temperature/humidity detector inside the chamber. After six hours the temperature and humidity were:

Humidity = 96% 
Temperature = 28.8C

The temperature inside the chamber was very close to the room's temperature inside the flow hood. The humidity inside the chamber will be used to calculate the ppm of ClO2 during the exposure. I'll repeat this humidity test again using the different magnetic stir plates.


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