Saturday, April 18, 2015

ClO2 Study - P. larvae Spores on Glass

From 4-15-15.

The colonies have begun to form on the MYPGP plates from the last ClO2 experiment. Initial colony counts seem to show a general trend of the more ClO2 reagent the spores were exposed to, the less colonies there were. However, I will wait an additional day or two before I report official colony counts. I have found that, especially with this P. larvae bacteria, the longer I wait to count colonies the more appear and the better they come in (can take up to a week before all colonies are seen).

Below are two images to be used in comparison of the effects of ClO2 on P. larvae spores on glass:

P. larvae spores exposed to 100 mg of ClO2 reagent (dilution 10^0)

P. larvae spores exposed to no ClO2 reagent (dilution 10^0)


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