Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Red Flour Beetle Pilot

From 10-6-14.

Counted the amount of RFB that had pupated into adults by digging through the small amount of flour present in each 96 well using an inoculating loop.


Nearly all the RFB had successfully pupated. Literature reviews show that B. thur is not pathogenic to RFB and P. larvae's effect is still unknown. Perhaps the low concentration of P. larvae used was not sufficient to kill the RFB.

The only RFB that didn't successfully pupate was found in the B. thur 10^-1 treatment group. All the P. larvae and control groups had successfully pupated into adults.

In the future, I'll perform a germination/sporulaiton study in the flour itself. I will spike flour with a concentration of P. larva and create a slurry. After drying, the flour will be incubated and then a portion will be heated to determine germination of P. larvae.


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