Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Red Flour Beetle Pilot

From 9-14-14.

Checked survival status of the RFB under the five different treatment groups again. This has been five days of incubation for the beetles.

P. larvae 10^-1
P. larvae 10^-4
B. thru 10^-1
B. thru 10^-4
Alive (n=8)

Some of these number counter what was previously recorded. This may be an error on my part - counting some RFB as dead when they were in fact alive. This is still very much a pilot experiment, and I will have to come up with a better method to calculate alive/dead status in the future!

Repeated the RFB/P. larvae lethality assay except using larval RFB instead of adult RFB. The larva were worm like and not red/brown in color. A picture of the larva can be found here. 5 ul of bacterial spores were added to each well as before, except this time it was allowed to dry for an hour in a flow hood. A single RFB larva was added to each well. Pictures of the set up are shown below:


The plate was incubated at room temperature protected from light. The larva will continue to be monitored and survival will be determined depending on if they pupate into adults. This may take up to a week.


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