Friday, September 26, 2014

Chlorine Dioxide Pilot Study

From 9-17-14.

Last week:

Performed colony counts of the three P. larvae spore stocks growing on MYPGP agar in 37C 5%CO2. 

Stock: Stock F Stock G Stock H
Dilution: 10^-3 10^-3 10^-4
20 22 7
18 10 5
12 10 2
17 21 9
22 15 11
Avg CFU: 17.8 15.6 6.8

Will use equation below to calculate CFU/ml of my P. larvae spore stocks.

Determining CFU/mL from colony count formula/equation:

[# colonies counted / volume pipetted onto plate in uL] * [ 1 / serial dilution made (ie 10^-2)] * [1000 uL / 1 mL] = CFU/mL

My spore stocks are resuspended in 500 uL ddH2O so,

Stock F - 3.56x10^6 CFU/ 500 uL
Stock G - 3.12x10^6/ 500 uL
Stock H -1.36x10^7/ 500 uL

Retrieved 500 gram of Mueller-Hinton Broth from USDA. Stored in chemical cabinet in Fisher Lab.


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