Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Waxworm & the P. larvae

From 9-8-14.

Received a number of containers in the mail containing wax worms. Most of them were tracked for Bridget E.'s project, however I was allowed to have a single container for my future wax worm studies. Below is a picture of half the wax worms that Bridget E. is maintaining.

I divided up the container of wax worms that I received into three different containers seen below. Wax paper was tightly folded and hung into the containers from the cap of the container. The wax worms are mostly in good health (>95%) and are quite lively. The containers were incubated at 35C in the Fisher Lab incubator.

I will continue to monitor the progress of these wax worms as they turn into wax moths. As the moths lay eggs I will transfer them to the prepared Gerber diet as well.


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