Monday, October 6, 2014

Abx Screening of P. larvae

From 7-31-14.

Plated 50 uL of a broth culture of P. larvae onto several MYPGP + Abx plates in order to screen for sensitivities. These were the plates that were previously made for the experiment performed at the end of July that have since been stored in the 4C walk in fridge.

Bacterial broth was spread plated onto the agar using a sterile cell spreader and a rotating circular spinner. Plates were incubated at 37C 5%CO2 inverted.

E. coli B/r was also plated on all the abx MYPGP plates as a control to see if the abx are still functioning properly.

Antibiotics used:
Kanamycin 50 ug/ml
Ampicillin 100 ug/ml
Erythromycin 5 ug/ml
Polymyxin 60 units


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