Friday, October 17, 2014

Strains for Sequencing

Strains from Bacillus Stock Center and P. larvae 9545 were prepped to be sent for sequencing at Cornell University Institute of Biotechnology.

Bacillus strains were incubated in 10 mL LB broth at 37C shaking at 225rpm for ~24 hours and P. larvae cultures (performed in triplicate) were incubated at 37C 225 rpm for four days. Cultures had their genomic DNA (gDNA) isolated using a DNEasy Blood and Tissue kit and subsequently purified and concentrated to 100 uL using a Zymo Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator. gDNA purity and concentration was quantified using a Nano Drop located in the McEvoy Lab.

Strains ng/ul mg/100 ul 260/280 260/230
P. larvae 9545 59.6 5.96 1.92 2.15
P. larvae 9545 58.5 5.85 1.9 2.24
P. larvae 9545 53.9 5.39 1.89 2.08
B. thur 4D1 55.6 5.56 1.94 2.26
B. cer 6A5T 17.5 1.75 1.99 2.08
L. spha 13A1 78 7.8 1.93 2.37
L. spha 13A4 107.1 10.71 1.92 2.35
B. thur 4AA1 75.5 7.55 1.93 2.37
L. spha 13A82 64.9 6.49 1.88 2.3

Next, gDNA will be digested using EcoR1 enzyme and visualized on a gel before they are sent for sequencing.


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