Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Abx Screening of P. larvae

From 10-6-14.

Checked for growth on the MYPGP abx plates that have since been incubating at 37C 5%CO2.

If there was a visible bacteria on the plate (usually in a lawn) it was determined to be resistant to that particular antibiotic. If there was no visible bacteria on the agar, then the bacterium was susceptible to that particular antibiotic and was unable to grow because it had been killed.


Abx E. coli B/r P. larvae 9545
Amp100 S S S S
Eryth5 R S S S
Kan50 S S S S
Poly60 S R R R

S - sensitive
R- resistant

These P. larvae antibiotic results confirm what was previously done on 7-31-14. P. larvae 9545 is resistant to polymyxin, but sensitive to ampicillin, erythromycin, and kanamycin.

This information will be important for an upcoming allelic exchange that will be performed on P. larvae.


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