Tuesday, May 5, 2015

ClO2 Study - P. larvae Spores on Glass

From ClO2 Study on 4-28-15.
From ND P. larvae isolates on 4-25-15.

The five ND P. larvae isolates were grown on Columbian Blood Agar slants for 10 days at 37C in order to generate spores. The spores were extracted today using the method previous described . The stocks were diluted and plated onto MYPGP agar in order to determine CFU/mL of the stocks. There appears to be significantly varied amounts of spores depending on the isolate. I was only able to recover a very small spore pellet in a couple of the isolates, but a rather large pellet in others. I will know exact CFU after they grow on the plates.

Spore stocks created for:

Spore stocks stored in 4C with other spore stocks until use. These spores will be used in the ClO2 study.


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