Thursday, January 22, 2015

Chlorine Dioxide Pilot Study

From 1-18-15.

The MYPGP plates incubating at 37C have dried out remarkably quickly. These plates had the dilution series of the spores stocks plated on them to determine the CFU/mL of each of the stocks. The plates are so dried out to the point of almost being crispy, making colony counts difficult and unreliable.

It did seem very dry inside the incubator, with other lab peer's plates visibly dry as well. The plates were not any thinner than other plates I had previously used. However, they were a couple months old... They were only in the incubator for three days, but in the past I have been able to incubate the plates for over a week and the plates didn't dry out. Below are a couple pictures of what the plates and colonies look like:

I will re-plate the dilutions once I make fresh MYPGP plates.


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