Monday, January 5, 2015

Detection of P. larvae in Local Honey

The From 1-3-15.

Checked the growth of the re-inoculated isolates in the 37C 225 rpm shaker incubator. Most still did not have visible growth. Only isolate 09 had visible growth. Freezer stocks were made of this culture. All others were continued to incubate. I will continue to monitor their progress.

Interestingly, visible clumpy masses were observed in isolate 12. I have no idea what these clumps are, but below are two images of the same tube showing the three masses. The two bottom masses are almost perfect spheres or globules that moved in the growth when shaken. The mass on the surface looks like a small piece of folded paper made of bacteria. This tube was clear yesterday.

This was a really neat observation, but likely the tube will simply be discarded.


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