Saturday, January 10, 2015

Detection of P. larvae in Local Honey

From 1-8-15.

It took two days before isolated colonies could be visualized on the plates, incubating at 37C. That isn't odd considering they are highly speculated to be P. larvae and that is about the time it takes P. larvae ATCC 9545 to have visible colonies on MYPGP agar.

Inoculated a single colony from each plate into 10 mL of BHI broth. Incubated at 37C 225 rpm. I need a broth culture of the bacteria in order to extract genomic DNA (no more than 10^9 CFU/mL).

Below are a couple images of what the plates looked when an isolated colony was removed:

Five of the isolates that were brothed were representatives from different honey sources. The sixth isolate that was brothed was isolated from the trachea of a cockroach by Laura N. It is speculated to be Bacillus spp or a yeast spp.


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