Sunday, July 27, 2014

P. larvae CFU/larva Pilot

Goal: determine the lethal CFU/larva of P. larvae.

For this pilot study, three previously dead honey bee larva around the 3rd/2nd instar will be homogenized and drop plated onto MYPGP and LB agar. Larva were from the LC50 study on 7-19-14.

Three dead larva from the 1000 CFU/mL treatment group and three from the 0 CFU/mL (control) treatment group were transferred via inoculation loop to 1 mL of sterile ddH2O. Larva were homogenized using the sterile plunger of a syringe.

Five 10 uL volumes of each homogenized samples were plated onto MYPGP and LB only agar.


Plates were incubated at 37C not inverted. It will be interesting to see what and how much growth is observed.

Note: I am continuing to have contamination issue with MYPGP agar from the P. larvae germination study.


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