Saturday, July 5, 2014

P. larvae Project Pilot

Checked on how honey bee larva were progressing after they are no longer being fed BAD (images below). A number of larva appear to have completed their defecation stage and begun to straighten out. They will begin to pupate soon.

Only retrieved 22 honey bee larva from the USDA on 6-27-14. This means they have been growing for 8 days and on the 9th day is typically when pupation begins. Today, 18 of the larva appear to be in good health still and are growing at a progressive state. There were 5 dead larva that seemed to have stalled in growth practically right after they were brought to the NDSU lab. The dead did not progress to the 2nd or 3rd instar life stage. There death is likely due to handling when they were placed onto the 24 well plates.

Rate of survival:
With the initial deaths due to handling/transfer: 81.8%
Without including those deaths the survival is 100%, so far.

Typically, from what I've observed after rearing the larva at the USDA, the majority of larval death comes from during the initial transfer due to rough handling and after the pupation stage begins (likely due to the absence of BAD containing royal jelly).

I will continue to monitor the larva growth as they begin to pupate.

Plated 100 uL of the 10^-1 Spore Stocks B and C on MYPGP agar. Incubated inverted in the static 37C no CO2.


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