Thursday, July 31, 2014

P. larvae CFU/larva Pilot

Follow up from 7-27-14.

Very few colonies grew from the drop plates on MYPGP and LB Only that had been incubating at 37C 5%CO2 for three days. There were approximately 2 colonies per 10 uL drop (5 drops total) from the No P. larvae CFU/mL homogenized larva on MYPGP and about 1 colony per 10 uL drop from the 1000 CFU/mL P. larvae homogenized larva. This was surprising since I expected there to be more colonies in general, and definitely more growth from the 1000 CFU than the No CFU samples.
This trend was also seen in on the LB Only plates.

The colonies that grew don't appear to be P. larvae based on visual morphology. They appear to be more rounded and dimpled than the flat P. larvae colonies. The colors are fairly similar however.

I created genomic lysates of several colonies that grew from both treatments and from both plates and will amplify them using the AFB-F/R primers to determine if they are P. larvae.


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