Monday, July 7, 2014

P. larvae Project Pilot

Checked on honey bee larva growing in the 24 well plates. Several have begun to pupate into adult honey bees (images below).

Survival is still very high, and only one of the larva has turned a brownish/black color and died during this stage. I will hopefully be receiving a number of 1st instar honey bee larva from the USDA hives on Friday or Saturday of this week (4-5 days from now).

Based on CFU counts of Spore Stock A (2.26x10^6,  1.45x10^6, and  3.20x10^6 CFU/mL), the average CFU/mL would be 3.05x10^6 CFU/mL. This will be the concentration used for Spore Stock A for the dilutions of the upcoming P. larvae LC50 experiment. 


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