Thursday, July 17, 2014

P. larvae LC50

I am poised to receive a large amount of first instar honey bee larva tomorrow morning (8am). The Jenter boxes were placed in the hive at ~3pm on Monday, and now early Friday they will be collected.

Prepared P. larvae spore dilutions in BAD today (~5pm) from Spore Stock A (3.05x10^6 CFU/mL).

Spore Stock A --> 1:1000 (1 uL +999 uL BAD) --> 3050 CFU/mL

3050 CFU/mL --> 20:61 ( 328 uL + 672 uL BAD) --> 1000 CFU/mL (this will be a treatment)

1000 CFU/mL --> 2:5 (200 uL + 300 uL BAD) --> 400 CFU/mL (this will be a treatment)

1000 CFU/mL --> 1:5 (100 uL + 400 uL BAD) --> 200 CFU/mL (this will be a treatment)

The last treatment group will contain no P. larvae spores and will serve as a control. There will be a total of 4 treatment groups. Each spore dilution was stored at 4C overnight until use.


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