Wednesday, July 9, 2014

P. larvae germination in BAD medium assay

Checked drop plates that were diluted further on 7-5-14. Images are below from the three treatment groups. Not a lot could be concluded by these plates. The MYPGP plate had been incubating at 37C 5%CO2 for four days. The cultures that the samples were diluted from were stored in the refrigerator a few days before use, so it wasn't ideal conditions to begin with. The dilution protocol will be adjusted for future repeats of this experiment.


Growth could be observed at the 10^-3 dilution. I wont even calculate the actual dilution seen on the plate as this experiment will be repeated soon with more appropriate dilution schemes and stricter time points. The above MYPGP plates were discarded. This experiment will be repeated tomorrow, assuming I can find the time.


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