Sunday, July 20, 2014

P. larvae LC50

Checked status of each honey bee larva via microscopy. Transferred alive larva to a new 48 well plate and added 10 uL of BAD next to them (touching them so they are on the parameter).

Dead as of 24 hours:
Control (no P. larvae spores) -4
1000 CFU/mL P. larvae - 3
400 CFU/mL P. larvae - 3
200 CFU/mL P. larvae -4

There were relatively few deaths after 24 hours (out of 24 for each treatment group). The deaths observed this soon are likely due to damage during transfer with the paint brush. Interestingly, all the larva in well A1 for all the treatment groups is dead- that was the first larva I transferred for each group.

Larva continue to incubate a 35C in the anaerobic chambers. I will monitor status again tomorrow and provide additional BAD.


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