Monday, July 14, 2014

P. larvae Project Pilot

A few of the initial honey bee larva from 6-21-14 that are getting close to emerging as adult bees. Most of the larva did begin to pupate, however succumbed to death when left on the 24 well plates during that life stage. Their death is likely due to being left on their own feces after the defecation stage. Literature review revealed that typically the larva is transfer to filter paper (Kim wipes) on a petrie plate, as seen below. It may be too late to save most of the larva as they look unhealthy (dark in color). 

I did not monitor or tend to these larva very closely because I do not plan on using the larva for any experiments once their pupation stage begins. That any survived to adult bees is surprising considering I left them alone on the plate with their feces and didn't transfer them to a cleaner environment. 


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