Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Waxworm Notes

I plan to use waxworms (Galleria mellonella) in future experiments with P. larvae including, but not limited to, LC50 determination. Below are some notes related to waxworms and waxworm in vitro rearing recovered from the internet (online) and Ben M. notes. Ben M. was the undergraduate who previously reared waxworms for the Fisher Lab (Bug Man).

Places to buy waxworms online: www.wormman.com/cat_wax.cfm. Or Ebay.

Eggs hatch around 4-6 days

Larva mature around 6-7 weeks (highly influenced by temperature
-mature larva will crawl (wander) to top of container

Sick or dead waxworms will turn black (do not confuse with "burnt" colored waxworms which are pupating)

Moths emerge about 1-2 weeks after pupation begins

Total life cycle: 57.6 days (46-69 days)
Egg - 9.5 days
1st instar - 4.3 days
2nd instar - 3.9 days
3rd instar - 2.9 days
4th instar - 2.7 days
5th instar - 2.8 days
6th instar (18 mm)- 3.4 days
7th instar - 2.7 days
Pupa (12 mm)- 25.4 days 

Received two small containers of mature waxworms from Dr. Fisher. Containers were transferred to plastic 0.5 L media bottles with three small holes punched into the covers. One of the containers were incubated at 35C (bee incubator) and another at 30C in the walk in incubator.

I will continue to monitor them for pupation. Once they pupate into moths they will lay eggs and I plan to harvest them.


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