Saturday, July 19, 2014

P. larvae LC50

Retrieved first instar honey bee larva from USDA hives today (9 am). Did not receive larva yesterday as planned because there was a significant lack of larva present in the Jenter box. The larva that was retrieved this morning were from a Jenter box placed in the hive on Tuesday afternoon at 3pm (~65 hours ago).

A total of 96 first instar honey bee larva were removed from the Jenter box via paint brush and transferred to 48 well plates that contained 2 uL of Bee Artificial Diet (BAD).

48 well plates containing larva were transferred to NDSU Fisher Lab immediately after in a Styrofoam container. Larva were then transferred and split into 4 different 48 well plates, 24 larva to each plate (one for each treatment group).
Treatment groups
(from 7-17-14 dilutions that had since been incubated at 4C)
200 CFU/mL P. larvae spores 
400 CFU/mL P. larvae spores 
1000 CFU/mL P. larvae spores 
No CFU/mL P. larvae spores 

A 2 uL volume of the treatment group was pipetted right next to (touching) the larva. There are 24 replicates for each treatment group. The 48 well plates were placed inside the anaerobic chamber and incubated at 35C. Completion time was about 10 am. Larva will incubate for 24 hours after which they will be examined for survival and transferred to fresh BAD for the remainder of their lives.


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