Friday, July 25, 2014

P. larvae LC50

Received 144 first instar honey bee larva from the USDA. Larva were transferred from the Jenter box using a small brush to a 48 well plate containing 2 uL of BAD. Larva were transferred via Styrofoam container to the NDSU lab were they were transferred to 2 uL of P. larvae spiked BAD on 48 well plates.


1000 CFU/mL P. larvae
400 CFU/mL P. larvae
No  CFU/mL P. larvae

Larva were incubated at 35C in anaerobic chambers. Tomorrow the larva will be transferred from their P. larvae spiked BAD to a new 48 well plate containing 10 uL of BAD. Survival will be monitored via microscopic observation and they will continually be fed increasing amounts of BAD.

Day 1 - 2 uL BAD
Day 2 - 10 uL BAD
Day 3 - 20 uL BAD
Day 4 - 30 uL BAD
Day 5 - 40 uL BAD
Day 6 - 50 uL BAD
Day 7 - None (stop feeding)


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